Category: Resources

  • Resolving CocoaPods Install Problem

    CococaPods is not stable installer sometimes it install but not link to the project properly. This creates a runtime error. Reference is here. Deintegrate the cocoapods (means uninstall the pods) can help to refresh the install. You can install the tool with sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate Will uninstall the existing Pod files but keep the…

  • Using Real 1 Bit Boolean Variable For Arduino Memory Efficiency

    Using Real 1 Bit Boolean Variable For Arduino Memory Efficiency

    We love Arduino we want to make some fancy project  but in this beautiful playground we have some limitations.  32K Programming memory is quite enough but 2K SRAM is becoming insufficient  when we use  lot of variable, especially if we don’t use the variables in efficient way. For example; if the variable will have a value between 0 and 255 ve use…

  • Setting .git Repository on Private Server With One Go Shell Script

    First, set your details in global config. git config –global “Trevor D.B.”   I’ve found this very useful. Basically it create production and hub repository on the server.

  • Easy Flip-Flop Arduino Library

    Easy Flip-Flop Arduino Library

    Easy Flip-Flop Arduino Library is for calling 2 different functions within desired intervals without using delay().