Tag: Xcode11

  • Font Awesome, Swift 5 Support With Swift Package Manager (SPM)

    Font Awesome, Swift 5 Support With Swift Package Manager (SPM)

    I wanted to give a try to Swift Package Manager which is build in functionality in Xcode 11. I have to say fantastic! I think in very short future all Git repository will be updated with this package independence manager. Finally we will be able tosay “good bye” to CocoaPod, Cartilage and some many other.…

  • Xcode11 iOS13 Simulators Couldn’t find MIDI Network Driver Problem – Solved

    Xcode11 iOS13 Simulators Couldn’t find MIDI Network Driver Problem – Solved

    Recently I installed Xcode11 and tried my working music application on iOS13 simulator. But unfortunately I faced an unexpected runtime error message “Couldn’t find MIDI network driver” and crash! I was using last update of  AudioKit 4.9 (as I updated it at the same time with Xcode 11) I thought that could be the problem. But not!…