• iOS Swift Detecting Device Rotation

    How to detect device rotation event in iOS Swift 3: Detecting device rotation is not a big secret but doing this in a clean way is important. I mean adding and removing the observers in correct time/place. Many developer are adding  observers without removing with exit. This leads memory leaks and performance issues.   override func…

  • UIView With Rounded Background Designable In Storyboard

    UIView With Rounded Background Designable In Storyboard

    This class can be inherited as a base class for having any time a framed background behind the UIView. It is also designable in the Storyboard. I’ve used it in UITableViewCell for my customCell view.

  • iOS Swift 3 Playground UIButton Action

    Experimenting on Playground is very useful especially when we work on some interactive UI element like UIButton. This is a simple example that show how to use UIButton and new Swift command PlaygroundSupport (XCPlaygroundPage depreciated)

  • Swift Creating Vertical UISlider Programmatically

    Swift Creating Vertical UISlider Programmatically

    This code creating UISlider and turn 90 degrees  anticlockwise with -M_PI_2 in another context for another UIView we could use the same code with M_PI_2  for turning 90 degrees clockwise. I found this easy and useful, worth note.

  • MAMP Conflict With Builtin macOS PHP [Solved]

    After trying all for stopping  builtin Apache on my computer (actually OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan) It was still keep saying “port 80 was using by another application” when I start the MAMP (MAMP Pro 3.5)

  • Arduino Nano SD Card Connection

    Arduino Nano SD Card Connection

    For preserving pins I’ve used ISP connection pinouts.

  • Arduino Nano Pinouts

    Arduino Nano Pinouts

    I’ve updated this post (on 01/11/2017) because Arduino Nano Pinout I’ve taken from BQ.com was wrong. An user noticed and informed me about this error. Today I’ve corrected my post and also I keep the wrong one as an example because this image is in Google research if you see it pay attention because pin 11 and…

  • Arduino UNO R3 Pinout

    Arduino UNO R3 Pinout

    Click here for original image source.

  • Canon EOS 1100D Continuous Power With LP-E10 Battery Hack

    Canon EOS 1100D Continuous Power With LP-E10 Battery Hack

    This video is about using is the Canon EOS 1100D (or Canon KISS X50 Canon REBEL T3) with continuous AC power supply with home made battery hack. The battery we’re going to open and convert to permanent AC power is LP-E10.

  • Mini Water Fountain

    Mini Water Fountain

    I needed a mini water fountain for watering my plants. I’ve designed this; on AutoDesk’s 123D Design application which is FREE and easy to learn. And make it print via 3DHubs it was my first experience with high detailed resin. Result was amazing!

  • Arduino Talkie Library Convertor Patch

    Arduino can talk without any complicated circuit or extra add thanks to this useful Talkie Library. Library is working pretty well but adding/converting custom wav files needs some time and knowledge. Discussion is on github. I’ve just involved to this conversation issue with my little script to complete a step of complicated conversation steps. Steps:…

  • Using Real 1 Bit Boolean Variable For Arduino Memory Efficiency

    Using Real 1 Bit Boolean Variable For Arduino Memory Efficiency

    We love Arduino we want to make some fancy project  but in this beautiful playground we have some limitations.  32K Programming memory is quite enough but 2K SRAM is becoming insufficient  when we use  lot of variable, especially if we don’t use the variables in efficient way. For example; if the variable will have a value between 0 and 255 ve use…