Tag: tips & tricks
OS X Server 5 Removing/Uninstalling Completely For New Fresh Install
New OS X Server 5 is not part of operating system anymore. It is kind of standalone application. As it is an separated app we can delete/uninstall by deleting in Applications folder or dropping in the trash-bin. But as it is a server app and contain many configuration/settings. Deleting the application is not enough to…
jQuery Basic HTML Template
This is a simple template, hidden.
Git Push Local File By Overwrite
Some times we just need to push what we have on dev folder and overwrite all on server repository. This terminal command is doing that. git push origin master –force
Clone Git Repository Into Non Empty Folder
This can be done by cloning to a new directory, then moving the .git directory into your existing directory. If your existing directory is named “code”. git clone https://myrepo.com/git.git temp mv temp/.git code/.git rm -rf temp
Setting .git Repository on Private Server With One Go Shell Script
First, set your details in global config. git config –global user.name “Trevor D.B.” I’ve found this very useful. Basically it create production and hub repository on the server.
Remove all .git files, recursively.
When we use .git in a project some times we need to do a fresh start or abandon the project we definitely need to delete all hidden git repository files.
Bulk Image Resize By Using OS X Terminal Command
Mac OS X some times fascinating me! Isn’t it fantastic to able to resize a folder of image (jpg, png etc.) with a single line of command!?
PhpMyAdmin Installation On Laravel Homestead (Vagrant)
Laravel Homestead with VirtualBox and Vagrant is wonderful server environment. But PhpMyAdmin is not included out of the box, so let’s install with 3 basic steps.
Install Plugins And Update WordPress On Localhost Without FTP Account
When working on WordPress websites locally the common problem we had is not being able to install plugins from within the plugin backend page. When you try to install a plugin you’re asked to enter FTP credentials to proceed (the ‘FTP connection details’ fields). To resolve this issue; we can simply add the following code to the wp-config.php to…
Programming ATtiny85 With Arduino IDE & Arduino Uno as ISP
It’s possible to transfer your Arduino sketches on ATtiny85 by using Arduino Uno (in this example) as ISP programmer.
How to find the serial port number on Mac OS X?
To find find your serial port list; It’s a build-in method in Mac OS X to find all ports with a terminal command.